Jurisdiction of Court
The territorial jurisdiction of the Ironton Muncipal Court includes the townships of: Aid, Lawrence, Upper, Hamilton, Elizabeth, Decatur and Washington.
Courtroom Conduct
- Upon the opening of any Court session, all persons in the courtroom shall
stand. All persons in the courtroom shall conduct themselves with decorum
and in such a manner so as not to interfere with or obstruct judicial activities
or proceedings. All persons appearing before the Court shall, as far as
practicable, appear in appropriate dress. No hats are to be permitted inside
the Courtroom.
- No smoking, eating, or drinking is permitted in the courtroom, nor shall
anyone bring food or drink into the courtroom.
- No person shall loiter or behave in an unseemly or disorderly manner in the
courtroom or in any halls, entryways, or stairways leading thereto, or
otherwise interfere with or obstruct judicial activities or proceedings.
- Cell phones, pagers or other electronic devices shall be turned off while the
Court is in session.
- The Court expects that counsel shall call this rule to the attention of clients
and witnesses.
- Anyone found violating these rules may be subject to immediate expulsion
from the courtroom, determined to be in contempt of court, or subject to
criminal prosecution.
Preservation of Papers
The clerk shall file and carefully preserve in the office of the clerk all papers
delivered to the clerk in every action or proceeding. No original papers or
depositions in any case or proceeding shall be removed from the office of the
clerk, except for use in court or by the Court, except on written order of the Court.
Recording of Court Proceedings
All Court proceedings, which are required to be recorded, shall be recorded by a
recordable compact disk. A court reporter may be supplied upon the written
request of either party or his counsel and at the discretion of the Court, provided
such request is filed in writing at least five court days prior to trial. In such a case
the reporter's cost shall be borne by the party requesting the same, who shall pay
the costs directly to the reporter. In instances where one of the parties has
requested a transcript, the party requesting shall pay for such transcripts.
The court cannot offer legal advice or assistance in completing a complaint. The court may appoint an attorney to represent you in misdemeanors or
felony matters. If you need an attorney and feel you cannot afford one, you may contact Legal Aid Services of Ohio at 1-800-837-2508. No attorney
appointed on civil matters.